Hey – I’m Ken. Ken McLaggan.
AKA Mac. I make wax. Mac’s Wax.
With my commercial experience in water treatment, corrosion control, paint technology, and much, much more, Mac's Wax started out as a fun experiment way back in 1999. However, it swiftly became an established family run business and Mac's Wax is now a trusted product for a huge range of materials in need of repair and rejuvenation or enhancement and protection.
Whether it’s your weathered outdoor dining room table, your car’s sun-faded dashboard, your fat-spattered BBQ cover, your leather shoes or a MULTITUDE of other “battered” surfaces like powder-coated window frames, tool blades, even horse riding saddles, Mac’s Wax will revive and up-shine the shabbiest of items.
It will also enhance and protect your valued indoor wooden or leather furniture beautifully.
I often wish I'd called it WonderWax, because it truly is!
So, if any of your household items listed below need a new lease of life, (or perhaps you’d like to protect them at the START of their lives),
then try Mac’s Wax on.....
· Raw wooden furniture (rejuvenates, protects and enhances)
· Lacquered wooden furniture (enhances and protects, hides fine scratches)
· Oiled wooden furniture (rejuvenates, protects and enhances)
· Leather couches, jackets, bags, saddles, hats, shoes etc. (Softens, protects and waterproofs)
· Granite surfaces (helps protect against staining)
· Faded plastic surfaces (brings back the color)
· Chalked painted surfaces (rejuvenates and brings back the color)
· stainless steel surfaces (resists finger marking)
You have my word that you will love how it works.
In fact, if you don’t love it, simply send it back within 90 days for a full refund. That’s my Mac’s Guarantee. And I stand behind it.
Happy Restorations
Ken “Mac” McLaggan